কেমন আছেন আপনারা? আশা করি ভালো আছেন,আমি ভালো আছি কিন্তু জ্বর আমার জন্য দোয়া করবেন।
মুলত আমার সেটটা MTK6582 এর চিপসেটের তাই আমি আমার পছন্দের একটা কাস্টম রোম শেয়ার করলাম।
আমি ইউজ করে মজা পাও্য়ার কারনে আজ রোমটা শেয়ার করা।চলুন রোমের ফিচারগুলো দেখে নেই।
Galaxy s6 Rom Based on Lollipop 5.0.2
Rom Info:
Device: MediaTek MT6582
Device: MediaTek MT6582
Kernel Version: 3.10.54
All Features of Galaxy s6
Amazing smooth
Nice Dialer
Framework Lollipop
Galaxy Apps
Amazing smooth
Nice Dialer
Framework Lollipop
Galaxy Apps
Bug: Flashlight
If you port this rom for your device please send me the device name after ported.
Take a full backup of current Rom before flash process.
আর ফুল ক্রেডিট:
SRT Team
SRT Team
N.B. : All the Things do it at your won Risk. I will not be responsible for any kind of Brick/Damage of your Device/Phone.
যারা পোর্ট পারেন না তাদের জন্যঃ
You will need:-
**a compression program (WinZip or 7zip and etc)
**the ROM you want to port to your phone (let’s call it the “Port ROM”)
**a ROM designed for your phone (let’s call it”Base ROM”)
**a compression program (WinZip or 7zip and etc)
**the ROM you want to port to your phone (let’s call it the “Port ROM”)
**a ROM designed for your phone (let’s call it”Base ROM”)
On your PC, extract the .ZIP files containing the two ROMs, and navigate to /system/app in your extracted Port ROM and copy stk.apk, vpnservices.apk, camera.apk, and bluetooth.apk into a temporary directory somewhere else on your PC
Now, delete the following folders from your Port ROM and replace them with the ones from your Base ROM: /data, /system/app, /system/framework, /system/fonts and /system/media
From your Base ROM, copy /system/lib/libandroid_runtime.so to the system/lib/ directory of your Port ROM, overwriting the file
Next up, move the .APKs you copied earlier back into the /system/app directory of your Port ROM
Open up /system/lib in your Port ROM and copy all the files and folders. Paste them into the Base’s /system/lib directory, replacing all. Then go back to the Port ROM and delete the /system/lib folder, and replace it with the /system/lib folder from the Base ROM
Next, navigate to the /system/etc/init.d folder in the Port ROM and do the same copy-from-Port, paste-to-Base, delete-from-Port, copy-from-Base, paste-to-Port shuffle as before
Navigate to /system/etc/permissions and do that same copy-paste dance one more time
Open system/build.prop from both the port and the base ROM in Notepad++. Update the Base build.prop to match the values for “ro.build.description=” and “ro.build.fingerprint=” from your Port. Now save the Base build.prop, exit Notepad++, and copy the Base build.prop into the Port ROM, overwriting the Port build.prop
Open system/build.prop from both the port and the base ROM in Notepad++. Update the Base build.prop to match the values for “ro.build.description=” and “ro.build.fingerprint=” from your Port. Now save the Base build.prop, exit Notepad++, and copy the Base build.prop into the Port ROM, overwriting the Port build.prop
In Notepad++, open \META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script from both your base and port ROMs. Edit the Port’s script to be like the Base’s updater-script: specifically, change, edit, or add the sections for permissions, ui_prints, asserts, run_programs, and installing the kernel.Don’t change any of the symlinks. In the Port script, make sure that the ‘format’ values are appropriate for your device (compare them to the Base script)
Finally, make sure that your kernel is specifically for your device
*****Now, if you desire, you can update any apps you require, or add any tools like BusyBox or SuperSU*****
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